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Step #1: Application for ADA Accommodations

Accommodations and services are provided for qualified students with disabilities in the post-secondary setting under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990), and the ADAAA (American with Disabilities Act Amendment Act of 2008). Under these laws the student must self-identify as a person with a disability; therefore, ONLY the student and not a parent or another individual should complete the application for services. 

For new students to apply for accommodations and services, please complete the Student Request for ADA Accommodations.


Step #2: Disability Documentation

Provide documentation to verify eligibility for services. Typically, a licensed psychologist, physician, or other appropriate professional provides the evaluation, diagnosis, and recommended accommodations in a detailed report. See “Documentation Guidelines” for more information.

The ADA Accommodations Office is responsible for determining the acceptability of documentation and reserves the right to require additional information to determine the nature and impact of an individual’s disability. Also, the ADA Office maintains the right to reject documentation that does not verify a student’s disability or delineates reasonable accommodations.

Please note that high school IEPs and “504 Plans” usually do not contain the necessary information to meet the documentation guidelines. Documentation accepted by the ADA Office is valid as long as a student is continuously enrolled at the College. However, if there is a break in the student’s enrollment, he/she may need to present updated documentation to receive services. Disability-related information received to support requests for accommodations are treated as confidential and shared only on a need-to-know-basis. The information may not be released to an outside third party without the written consent of the individual.

Documentation can be emailed to or mailed to 2601 Carson Road, Birmingham, AL 35215

Step #3: Intake Appointment

Students who have submitted an Application for Accommodations (step #1) and provided the ADA Accommodations Office with documentation (step #2) should email to request an intake appointment. Intake appointments are typically conducted over zoom and take about one hour.