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Spring 2024

PiPi Honors in Action Poject Lore

Honors in Action is a research-driven project and the culmination of a Phi Theta Kappa year. Students engage one another, the college library, and their wider communities to develop a project that reaches both the college and society at large. The importance of the Honors in Action project in Phi Theta Kappa cannot be overstated and, as a result, generates a lot of stories that tie students together from across the world. Whether students are reading about each other's projects in The Civic Scholar, PTK's academic journal, or discussing what they do at Catalyst, the society's annual convention, the HiA Project generates a lot of lore.

In 2022, The Pi Pi chapter of Theta Kappa won multiple awards for their Honors in Action Project, "Playing in the Dirt: Digging a Pathway Toward a Community Garden." Their write up was featured in the Civic Scholar and is now digitized for the Jefferson State Digital Museum. Enjoy.


Sigma Chi Eta Celebrity Lore

Sigma Chi Eta (the National Communication Honor Society) officers Kyra Creel, Elena McDaniel, and Judith Binns completed a digital project series delving into the rich tapestry of celebrity lore and its implications within the realm of communication studies. Exploring the narratives, mythologies, and public perceptions surrounding iconic figures, the project unraveled the intricate connections between celebrity culture and various facets of communication. The project seeks to highlight the nuance between fame and communication dynamics. Through these students’ thoughtful analysis, they demonstrated how celebrity lore serves as a compelling lens through which to understand the complexities of mass communication, image construction, and the dissemination of cultural narratives in modern society.  Sigma Chi Eta Faculty Sponsor: Elizabeth Ginas Gallow

Co-Sponsor: Cherroyle Webb