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Spring 2024


Image of Hobbit Home

"In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit." This famous line from J.R.R. Tolkien's widely read work, The Hobbit, begins a story of the lore of Middle Earth and the battle between good and evil amongst elves, hobbits, wizards, dwarves, orcs, and men.  As such, "lore" is most often thought of in literature as tales like Tolkien's that are passed down through generations or through authors who chronicle stories exploring mysterious creatures, tragic or momentous events, and unusual places that fill the pages of history or of fantasy.  However, lore exists in the body and principles of knowledge in any subject or idea passed between people.  The traditions of organizations are based on the lore of their beginnings; lessons are learned based on fables meant to instruct or caution; celebrities rise to fame based on the lore of their art; science tells the story of the lore of nature and its processes; families continue their legends through generations. Lore is all around us.  Join the Jefferson State Digital Museum this spring as classes, faculty, and organizations present projects surrounding the theme of “LORE.”  Click on the subjects, or content areas, in the links to the left to view all the projects. If you are new to the museum, browse the archives as well!

*Image credit, acrylic painting on newspaper by Ashley Harlan Kitchens