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Policies & Procedures Manual


  • To check out material from the JSCC libraries, students must be currently enrolled. The student accepts responsibility for any material borrowed from the libraries.
  • A student may not have more than seven books on a subject checked out at any one time. If the books are on more than one subject, the student may have more than seven, up to a maximum of twenty-one at any one time.
  • Materials circulate 21 days from the date of check out.
  • All regular circulating materials may be renewed one time. Upon approval, materials may be renewed more than once. Books may be renewed via telephone or via the library's virtual services.
  • The overdue fine for regular circulating materials is 10 cents per day per item with no maximum.
  • A student with overdue books cannot check out additional materials without approval until those books are returned or paid for if they are lost or damaged.
  • Books may be borrowed and returned at any campus, regardless of a student’s primary campus.
  • Administrative Banner holds are placed on student accounts for items not returned. Holds are placed periodically throughout each term and not removed until items are returned or replacement fees are paid.
  • Individuals must pay replacement cost plus processing fee for any books which have been lost or damaged. In addition, students must pay any fines which have accumulated.
  • All library fines are to be paid to the college cashier. A fine slip is completed in the library when the overdue material is returned. The student must present this slip in to the cashier when paying fines. If a Banner hold is present, the cashier will remove the hold once the fine or replacement fees are paid.
  • All refunds for returned books, which have been lost and paid, are handled through the business office. The student is responsible for returning the materials to the library and requesting a refund. The student must have the cashier's receipt as proof of payment. Library staff will complete the required paperwork for submittal by the student to the business office.
  • Overdue notices are automatically emailed weekly to student email accounts.
  • The final due date for each semester is determined term by term but generally will fall on the last day of final exams.
  • Jefferson State faculty and staff members have full library privileges. Faculty and staff may borrow library materials for the entire term. A recall for items borrowed by faculty and staff can be placed if there is a pressing need.
  • Faculty may request library material via phone, email, or proctor [student assistants or office managers].
  • Family members of JSCC faculty/staff are also invited to use Jefferson State libraries. A faculty or staff member may check out circulating materials for a family member's use; the JSCC employee is responsible for any lost materials checked out for family.
  • Any materials checked out to a Jefferson State employee must be returned or paid for upon the termination of employment.
  • Faculty, staff and administrators are not charged fines for overdue books. However, they must pay for any materials that are lost or damaged. The libraries do request that material be returned for use by the entire campus community. Notices are emailed monthly to faculty and staff for any overdue material.

The JSCC Libraries have reciprocal agreements with the following colleges:

  • Athens State University
  • Birmingham Southern College
  • Gadsden State Community College
  • Lawson State Community College
  • Miles College
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham - Mervyn Sterne Library

Students from the colleges listed above are extended the privilege of using the JSCC Libraries. These students are expected to observe all rules of Jefferson State's library and to assume full responsibility for borrowed materials. These students must show proof of enrollment from their institution and complete a registration form for the Jefferson State libraries. Due to license agreement restrictions, remote access to fee-based electronic resources cannot be provided.

Current JSCC students have reciprocal privileges at the colleges listed above.  Students must provide proof of enrollment at JSCC.  Students are expected to observe all policies of our partner libraries.

  • Materials may be borrowed from any campus library. The individual checking out library materials must be a currently enrolled Jefferson State student or a Jefferson State faculty or staff member.
  • The check-out period is generally 21 days. Any materials may be returned to any campus library.
  • Students will be responsible for fines on materials not returned by the date due.
  • Reference books and periodicals do not circulate via inter-campus loan.
  • Library materials requested by users at other campus are sent by courier. The library does not control the courier service schedule therefore students should plan accordingly.
  • Members of the community may use library resources in the Jefferson State library.
  • Off campus access to fee based resources is prohibited by license agreements with our vendors.
  • Library materials will not be loaned to community members and library materials may only be used while inside the library.
  • Unaccompanied children are not allowed in the library. Children accompanied by an adult may utilize the library space but are not allowed access to the computers and internet. In the event children are left unattended in the library, Campus Police will be notified.
  • The Learning Resource Center on the Centerpoint Campus of the Jefferson State Community College is a designated selective depository for government documents.  As a Federal Depository Library, the Jefferson State Libraries have a legal requirement to make Government publications available for the free use of the general public. Additionally, members of the community may acquire library privileges to borrow materials from the libraries. To obtain privileges, community members must complete a registration form.

Information Services

  • Professional librarians are available during all open hours to provide research and reference assistance.
  • Virtual reference services are available from the library’s website and these services are conducted by professional librarians.
  • Reference materials do not circulate and generally include multi-volume works of a specific nature [i.e. literature, technology, medicine, psychology, etc]. All reference materials can be located using the online catalog.
  • An instructor may check out a reference book for use with a class or to make copies for instructional purposes. Such material must be returned to the library as soon as possible.
  • Library users who are caught mutilating or removing reference books will be subject to the college’s discipline policies listed in the Jefferson State Community College Catalog & Student Handbook.
  • Instructional services to all members of the JSCC campus community are available upon request.
  • Library instruction for class groups is done in conjunction with class assignments and at the request of the faculty member making the assignment. Therefore, resources included or presented to the class vary not only to reflect the different curriculum content of the student’s course, but the specific assignment.
  • The typical instruction session takes place in a multi-media classroom equipped with a projector and a computer with a network connection. A demonstration of the various methods of accessing the library’s information management platform is provided for both on campus and off-campus access. An overview of the library's resources including the online catalog and electronic research databases is provided followed by detailed instruction on the course or program related resources. Following the demonstrations, an activity session is conducted whereby students actively utilize the library and related resources.
  • In addition to instruction with classes, some of the most successful instruction is done on an individual basis when the student has an immediate need for information. These are conducted both in person and virtually. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this service.
  • The library’s website also contains self-guided online tutorials and instructional material which may be accessed 24 hours a day. These tutorials are comprehensive and provide in-depth instruction on the use of the library website, library discovery tool, and all library resources.

If you would like to request a library orientation, instruction, or research workshop for your class, please complete the online form for your campus.

If you would like to request the development of a guide for a specific course, program, assignment, or poject, please use the link to complete the online form below:


  • Copiers are available for making copies to be used for “private study, scholarship, or research.” The library will not assist users in violating the copyright law.
  • Copiers are serviced and maintained by vendors contracted by JSCC. Refunds of money lost in the machines must be collected from the cashier. The library does not provide change for copying machines or other needs.


  • The networked computers available at each campus library use a system called PaperCut to provide printing services.  For printer access, students must provide their MyJSCC login credentials. 
  • Students are expected to adhere to the institutional Technology Use Policies from the Student Handbook.
  • Desktop computers are provided in the campus libraries for research and course related purposes.
  • Since the library computers are dedicated to serious research and course related purposes, users who are not currently enrolled students must be at least eighteen years of age; all non-students who are under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by a parent. Any non-student using the computers will be asked to relinquish the computer in the event currently enrolled students require use of a computer.
  • Users who violate these policies may be barred from using the library for the semester in which the infraction occurs.

Information Technology and Computer Use

  • Students are expected to adhere to the institutional Technology Use Policies.
  • Desktop computers are provided in the campus libraries for research and course related purposes.  Laptop computers are provided in the campus libraries and may checked out for use in the libraries.
  • Since the library computers are dedicated to serious research and course related purposes, users who are not currently enrolled students must be at least eighteen years of age; all non-students who are under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by a parent.  Any non-student using the computers will be asked to relinquish the computer in the event currently enrolled students require use of a computer.
  • Users who violate these policies may be barred from using the library for the semester in which the infraction occurs.