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Adult College Services

Learning Resources

Study Skills from PrepStep's College Success Skills

Interactive study skills tutorials in PrepStep include the following topics.

  • Organizational Strategies
    • Achieve Your Goals
    • Get Organized
    • Effective Multitasking
    • Manage Your Time
  • Classroom Success Skills
    • Strategies for Success in Online Classes
    • Reading Strategies for Class
    • Memorization Tips and Tricks
    • Note-taking Strategies
    • Effective Classroom Listening
  • Information Literacy and Research Skills
    • Find Sources and Write Citations
    • Introduction to Research Skills
    • Making Sense of Today's Media
    • Mastering Social Media
    • Understand and Avoid Plagiarism
    • Write Like a Scholar
  • Personal Success Skills
    • Develop Healthy Habits
    • Investing for Life
    • Managing Debt
    • The Basics of Money Management
    • Understanding Insurance and Taxes
    • Why Credit Matters
  • Keyboarding Skills
    • Learn to Type
    • Increase Your Speek
    • Develop Strong Keyboarding Habits

College Success Interactive Textbook

Key chapters from OpenStax College Success: