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Tutorials and Guides to Library Resources

Tutorials and Guides to Using Library Resources

The following are tutorials and guides to using library resources designed for students.  The links can be placed inside Blackboard courses.  Be sure to copy the links correctly; best option is to right-mouse click on the link and select copy then paste into a Web Link in your Blackboard course.  As more tutorials are developed, they will be placed here.

Virtual Orientation to the Library

The virtual orientation is comprehensive and covers many aspects of the libraries and in particular, using the library website as access to all the resources and services.

Finding Critical Articles in Literature

This tutorial will assist students in locating critical articles [literary criticism] for English courses

Plagiarism Tutorial

Streaming video content from Films On Demand series Plagiarism 2.0: Information Ethics in a Digital Age.  The video examines the behaviors that constitute plagiarism, their consequences, and the best ways to avoid them. [approximately 8:53 seconds long]

Plagiarism Tutorial with Quiz

This link accessing the tutorial above with an optional quiz at the end.  Students must enter their name, email, course name, and instructor.  They have the option of emailing the results to themselves.  The results will include the score.

Resources for Speech Courses

This tutorial will provide information to any speech class student on accessing and using the various resources on the Speech resource guide.


Embedding Films On Demand Video Content

Embedding Films On Demand Video Content

The following are titles covering internet research and can be embedded as a Web Link into Blackboard course content.  Below each title will be the LTI link which should be copied and pasted as a Web Link in Blackboard so that students can access the title without an additional login.

Internet Research: What's Credible?

Introduction to Information Literacy