
JeffCoach Logo


The mission of the Jefferson State Community College JeffCoach Program is to assist identified students in building a strong foundation through mentorship and motivation for academic success.


JeffCoach SEEK

JeffCoach Program students receive:

  • General academic advising, academic planning, and strengths identification
  • Assistance with developing time management, communication, and study skills
  • Support to set and attain their educational and personal goals
  • Face-to-face meetings with their JeffCoach three times per semester
  • Increased confidence and motivation

100% of students surveyed said:

  • They would recommend the JeffCoach Program to other students.
  • The JeffCoach Program improved their understanding of college and enabled their success.
  • Regular meetings with the JeffCoach were valuable in improving their college experience.
  • The JeffCoach helped them identify, develop, and work towards their goals.

“You helped me succeed and do what I thought would be impossible for me. Every student needs to be pushed like I was. With your help, anything could be accomplished!” – JeffCoach Student

I think the JeffCoach Program is a great program for students to come and get help. This program is needed at Jeff State. It is a good program to be in.” – JeffCoach Student

Student Success Seminars (click the link below for the schedule)

The Student Success Seminars are short workshops designed to equip students with skills that are vital to their success in college. Topics include:

  • Goal-setting
  • Time Management
  • Study Skills
  • Note-taking and Active Reading Skills
  • Preparing for and Taking Tests
  • Communication Skills
  • Final Exams Prep
  • Overcoming Test Anxiety

To learn more, please email one of our JeffCoaches:

Jefferson Campus

Patricia Marbury

Dr. Farina Rana

Shelby Campus

Alanna Glaze

Pamela Steele

Chilton Campus

Alanna Glaze

St. Clair Campus

Olivia Kirkland