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Nursing Education
Ferguson Nursing 112 Fundamental Concepts of Nursing
Concept: Functional Ability
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Ferguson Nursing 112 Fundamental Concepts of Nursing
Concept: Professionalism
Concept: Health Promotion
Concept: Psychosocial Well-being
Concept: Functional Ability
Concept: Functional Ability
Activities of daily living
Concept: Pharmacology
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Concept: Functional Ability
Functional Ability
Activities of daily living
Activities of daily living
Activities of Daily Living
By: Venes D, Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
Activities of daily living
By: Owen, Melissa-Jo, EdM, Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health, 2019
Bathing the Adult
Follow this link to the Nursing Practice and Skill.
VIDEO INCLUDED. You must access the link in order to view the included video content.
Bathing the Adult
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Bathing the Infant: Performing a Sponge Bath
Follow this link to the Nursing Practice and Skill.
VIDEO INCLUDED. You must access the link in order to view the included video content.
Bathing the Infant: Performing a Sponge Bath
Download/print the Nursing Practice and Skill.
Bathing the Infant: Performing a Tub Bath
Download/print the Nursing Practice and Skill.
Barthel Index: Assessing Functionality
Follow this link to the Evidence-Based Care Sheet.
Barthel Index: Assessing Functionality
Download/print the Evidence Based Care Sheet.
The Barthel Index Tool
Mahoney FI, Barthel D. “Functional evaluation: the Barthel Index.”
Maryland State Med Journal 1965;14:56-61. Used with permission.
National Patient Safety Goals (The Joint Commission, 2018): Hand Hygiene -- WHO and CDC Guidelines
Follow this link to the Evidence-Based Care Sheet.
National Patient Safety Goals (The Joint Commission, 2018): Hand Hygiene -- WHO and CDC Guidelines
Download/print the Evidence Based Care Sheet.
Hand Hygiene: Performing Antiseptic Handwashing
Follow this link to the Nursing Practice and Skill.
VIDEO INCLUDED. You must access the link in order to view the included video content.
Hand Hygiene: Performing Antiseptic Handwashing
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Oral Hygiene: Performing
Follow this link to the Nursing Practice & Skill.
VIDEO INCLUDED. You must access the link in order to view the included video content.
Oral Hygiene: Performing
Download/print the Nursing Practice and Skill.
Concept: Psychosocial Well-being
Concept: Pharmacology >>