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Psychology 200 Bonner

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Psychology Information Literacy

The American Psychological Association publishes Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major to articulate expectations for curriculum design and implementation.  Among other things, these Guidelines include a section on scientific inquiry and critical thinking. 

Goal 2:  Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking:  The skills in this domain involve the development of scientific reasoning and problem solving, including effective research methods." [Guidelines 2.0, 2013, p. 20].

The JSCC Libraries provide assistance for Outcome 2.2 which states "Students should demonstrate psychology information literacy [five indicators].

Psychology [Non-majors] Psychology Majors
2.2a Read and summarize general ideas and conclusions from psychological sources accurately Read and summarize complex ideas accurately, including future directions, from psychological sources and research
2.2b Describe what kinds of additional information beyond personal experience are acceptable in developing behavioral explanations  (i.e., popular press reports vs. scientific findings) Describe the characteristics and relative value of different information sources (e.g., primary vs. secondary, peer reviewer vs. nonreviewed, empirical vs. nonempirical)
2.2c Identify and navigate psychology databases and other legitimate sources of psychology information Develop a comprehensive strategy for locating and using relevant scholarship (e.g., databases, credible journals) to address psychological questions
2.2d  Articulate criteria for identifying objective sources of psychology information Evaluate psychology information based on the reliability, validity, and generalizability of sources
2.2e  Interpret simple graphs and statistical findings Interpret complex statistical findings and graphs in the context of their level of statistical significance, including the influence of effect size, and explain these findings using lay language


Information Guidance

Interactive Guidance and Tutorials

The interactive tutorials listed below are found in PrepStep for Two Year Colleges.  Instructions on access, registration, and navigation are provided under Library Tools.

The resources in Core English Skills Review include techniques you can apply to any writing assignment for class — and even emails, resumes, and the writing you do for fun.

Begin with the Writing Skills Tutorial, which guides you through the writing process from start to finish. Learn strategies for coming up with original ideas, organizing them in a clear way, finding the right tone, and catching errors before you submit your work. Then use the prompt at the end of the tutorial to draft a sample essay, and review the instant feedback when you’re done.
Build your skills further with question sets targeting the foundations of great academic writing.
Finally, practice your new skills in your writing for class, and return to the tutorial as needed if you see a pattern in your instructors’ comments on your work.

When you’re bombarded with information, how do you cut through it all and pick out the most important information? The key is information literacy: knowing how to effectively find, evaluate, integrate, and cite sources. The College Success Skills Center provides an Information Literacy Tutorial which will help you learn the basics of information literacy as well as how to apply these skills toward your assignments.

Process of Writing

Formatting & Citations

Evaluating Sources

Avoid Plagiarism