From Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy: types of equipment used in vital signs assessment; skills for performing vital signs assessment;
tips to interpret vital signs; and abnormalities in vital signs
Assessment Made Incredibly Easy, 5e presents nursing assessment skills in the reader-friendly Incredibly Easy! format that makes learning fun. With an appealing 4-color interior and light-hearted humor throughout, the text provides the know-how nurses need to obtain pertinent health histories, perform physical examinations, and recognize normal and abnormal findings.
Health Assessment Made Incredibly Visual! helps nursing students master patient assessment by combining images and clear, concise text to graphically demonstrate how to perform each assessment technique.
Physical Assessment from the Nursing Reference Center Plus
Link out to Physical Assessment from the NRC Plus for the following skills videos:
1. Physical Assessment: Inspection; 2. Physical Assessment: Auscultation; and 3. Physical Assessment: Palpation.