Instructors: Use this form to request a custom webguide of content from the library collection of online databases, streaming video, electronic books, and interactive instructional platforms.
Bloom’s Literature offers a comprehensive resource for the study of literature. The wide range of material in this award-winning database includes content from Facts On File’s extensive literature collection; hundreds of Harold Bloom’s essays examining the lives and works of great writers; thousands of critical articles published by noted scholars; extensive entries on literary topics, themes, movements, genres, and authors; more than 4,300 video clips; more than 2,700 full-text poems; and more than 9,000 discussion questions on a range of literary topics.
Unlock information in primary sources, critical articles, literary and cultural analysis, and biographies. Search across centuries to see the broader continuum of the story you choose.
Provides critical overviews of short stories from all cultures and time periods. Includes discussions of plot, characters, themes and structure as well as the story's cultural and historical significance. [Digital access from Volume 1 through the current edition]
Provides critical overviews of the most-studied plays of all time periods, nations, and cultures. Includes discussions of themes, characters, critical reception, dramatic devices and traditions as well as cultural and historical context.
Literary Reference Center Plus includes full-text resources focusing on plays/drama, poetry, religious literature and children's literature. This database also includes volumes of fantasy/science fiction, contemporary literature, world philosophy and religious literature, and literary study guides covering American Literature, English Literature and literary genres.
At Films On Demand, we know that content matters. Our video library has been assembled not just with a focus on volume, but also with a discerning eye for quality and relevance. It is the result of decades of careful curating with a single guiding principle: providing every academic department on campus with the most essential video titles for their field of study. Always on the cutting edge, Films On Demand has been greatly enhanced with a brand-new platform that provides users with the content, tools, speed, and performance that today’s online experience demands.
Students of literature, film and cultural studies need to understand key theoretical terms and concepts but often find it hard to get to grips with exactly what they mean. This book provides precise definitions of terms and concepts in literary theory, along with explanations of the major movements and figures in literary and cultural theory and an extensive bibliography.
This is the first dictionary of symbols to be based on literature, rather than'universal'psychological archetypes, myths, or esoterica. Michael Ferber has assembled nearly two hundred entries clearly explaining and illustrating the literary symbols that we all encounter (such as swan, rose, moon, gold), along with hundreds of cross-references and quotations.
This concise and lucid volume offers a satisfying survey of all the major theories, from structuralism in the 1960s to deconstruction today, that have made academic criticism both intriguing and off-putting to the outsider. This classic work covers all of the major movements in literary studies in this century.