The critical reception of Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle Remus Tales has often interpreted these animal fables as allegories of American slavery. The author of this article instead asks what it might mean to take seriously the numerous historical, political and philosophical questions posed by the animal ''form'' that these characters assume.
Werner, Craig Hansen. "The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story: Overview." Reference Guide to Short Fiction, edited by Noelle Watson, St. James Press, 1994. Gale Literature Resource Center, Accessed 25 July 2024.
Citation: "The Man Who Was Almost a Man." Short Stories for Students, edited by Ira Mark Milne, vol. 9, Gale, 2000, pp. 203-221. Gale eBooks, Accessed 25 July 2024.
Citation: Farrell, Susan. "Fight vs. Flight: a re-evaluation of Dee in Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use'." Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 35, no. 2, spring 1998, pp. 179+. Gale Literature Resource Center, Accessed 25 July 2024.
Langston Hughes: "I, Too" and "Let America Be America Again"
Citation: "The Veldt." Short Stories for Students, edited by Ira Mark Milne, vol. 20, Gale, 2005, pp. 269-286. Gale eBooks,
Kate Chopin: "At the Cadian Ball," "The Storm," and "Desiree's Baby"
Citation: Murphy, Russell. “"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"” Critical Companion to T. S. Eliot, Facts On File, 2007. Bloom’s Literature,
Touted as one of the first major feminist writers, Charlotte Perkins Gilman spent her life fighting to liberate women from the yoke of domesticity. This is a stunning BBC dramatization of Gilman’s autobiographical account of a woman driven to madness by the repressive mores of Victorian culture. Stephen Dillon as the husband, John, and Julia Watson as the despondent heroine give stellar performances in this production directed by the BBC’s John Clive. (76 minutes)
Citation: Gilman, Charlotte. “Why I Wrote "The Yellow Wall-Paper"” Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Chelsea House, 2015. Bloom’s Literature,
Ursula K. Le Guin: "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"
"Explanation of: 'America' by Claude McKay." LitFinder Contemporary Collection, Gale, 2000. Gale Literature: LitFinder,
Citation: Werlock, Abby. “"Harrison Bergeron"” Encyclopedia of the American Short Story, 2-Volume Set, Third Edition, Facts On File, 2013. Bloom’s Literature,
This essay "considers the merits of Vonnegut's short fiction as well as its importance to his overall body of work and to his development as a writer."
Reed, Peter J. "The Short Fiction and the Canon." Short Story Criticism, edited by Jelena Krstovic, vol. 155, Gale, 2011. Gale Literature Resource Center.