This edition of 'The Elements of Style'details eight elementary rules of usage, ten elementary principles of composition,'a few matters of form', and a list of commonly misused words and expressions.
In this video, learn key terms and language associated with viewing, discussing, and analyzing art. The program introduces the goals of historical analysis and investigation while examining the themes and influence of culture on art including the Western Canon.
This video defines the elements of art and principles of design and shows how they are used when describing and analyzing works of art. Learn the distinction between different media, techniques, materials, and processes used in art making and their practical and symbolic implications of each. Finally, experts discuss the components of a formal analysis of a single work as well as a comparative formal analysis of two or more artworks.
This video illustrates the steps and procedures necessary to research a work of art. Learn how to construct a well-supported argument using visual, historical, and textual evidence.
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Designed for academic institutions, this database is the leading resource for scholarly research with more full-text journals and more peer-reviewed journals than any other database available. It supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing journals, periodicals, reports, books, and more.
Credo Reference offers over 3,000,000 reference entries from all the major academic subject areas to offer a great starting point for your research! Tons of images, audio files, videos and full text articles on any Topic you can think of, all with full citations that your teachers will applaud.