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English 102 Caskey
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English 102 Caskey
Library Resources
Resources on Course Readings
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Edgar Allan Poe
William Shakespeare
A Raisin in the Sun
The Yellow Wallpaper
The Birth-Mark
MLA Citation
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William Blake
Research Starter: William Blake
Link out to a Research Starter on William Blake.
William Blake and His Poem "London"
Zhan, Changjuan. "William Blake and his poem 'London'." Theory and Practice in Language Studies, vol. 3, no. 9, Sept. 2013, pp. 1610+. Gale Literature Resource Center,
Essay Topics for William Blake's "London"
From Bloom's Literature.
William Wordsworth
Research Starter: William Wordsworth
Link out to a Research Starter on Wordsworth.
Critical Essays on Wordsworth's Poetry
From Gale Literature.
Critical Essays: The World is Too Much With us
From Literary Reference Center Plus.
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
Link out to a Research Starter on Edgar Allan Poe.
Research Starter: The Raven
Link out to a Research Starter on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven".
Articles on "The Raven"
From Gale Literature.
Articles on "The Raven"
From Literary Reference Center Plus.
William Shakespeare
Research Starter: William Shakespeare
Link out to a Research Starter on the Bard.
Overview and Explanation of Sonnet 55
From Gale Literature.
Shakespeare's Rhetorical Strategy in Sonnet 55
From Bloom's Literature.
The Classical Roots of Sonnet 55
From Bloom's Literature.
Resources on Course Readings
A Raisin in the Sun >>